Thursday 20 April 2017

Terry's Chocolate Orange Brownies

Hello everyone, thought I'd share this delightful recipe with you, this one is one of my own adaptation, I can't remember where I got the original one I adapted from though, my apologies! I have to say this is one of the most delightful brownies I've ever made and went down a massive treat!

100g plain flour 
50g of caster sugar
200g dark chocolate
4 eggs
350g caster sugar
200g butter 
2 terry's chocolate oranges.

1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and line a brownie tin (you could use a cake tin), with greaseproof paper. Lots of butter could work too, however greaseproof paper is better.
2. Melt the butter and chocolate together in a bowl.
3.Whip the eggs and the caster sugar in a bowl until the mixture doubles in size (it should be meringue consistency) and add to the chocolate and butter mixture.
3. Sift together the flour and cocoa powder and add them to the bowl. 
4. Chop up one and a half of the terry's chocolate orange and pop them into the mix.
5. Spread the mixture evenly across the brownie tin, then line the remaining orange slices across the top.
6. Pop in the oven for 30-35 minutes, you can keep them in longer depending on how gooey you want the centre.
7. I pop mine in the fridge after they've cooled to help set the fudgy bits.



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