Saturday 17 October 2015

Salted Caramel Cupcakes

Heloooo lovlies a nice little autumn banking recipe for you! I was inspired by Anna Saccade Joly's video the other day so had a bash at doing my own version.

You will need...
200g of Self Raising Flower 
200g of Caster Sugar 
200g of Butter
4 Eggs 
Two tablespoons of milk 
1 large bar of nutty milk chocolate (This is subjective, if you want to dark or no nuts or a bar and a half of chocolate go for it!) 
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence 
1 teaspoon of baking powder
Course sea salt

For the Icing...
One tin of caramel (Nestle is the one I used, but feel free to branch out)
2 cups of icing sugar 
100g of butter 

1. Pre heat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius and line your cake tray with cases.
2. Cream the butter and sugar together in a bowl until light and fluffy.
3. Add in the eggs and mix well then fold in the flower, baking powder and vanilla. 
4. The mixture may seem a little thick which is why to add in the milk to make it a bit more gloopy, for want of a better word! Mix in a sprinkle of salt and mix well.
5. Add in your chocolate and mix until they're well distributed .
6. Put ice cream sized scoops of the mix into the cases and make sure they're about three quarters full.
7. Pop in the oven for around 12-17 minutes, until the cakes are well risen and golden. 
8. For the icing, mix all ingredients together, only half the caramel mind, a sprinkle of salt should go in here too! I prefer to use an electric whisk to make the icing more smooth.
9. Use the spare caramel and spread over the cakes when cool, before piping the buttercream onto them and tadaaaaaa
10. To decorate I added some grated chocolate and a spare square of chocolate on each. 

Hope you enjoyed this autumn baking post and I'll be back next Friday with another one!
Love Carly 


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