Friday 10 July 2015

Classic Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Hi guys so today I thought I'd share my chocolate chip cookie recipe, this is the first recipe I used to ever make cookies and from them I've switched this recipe up using Terry's chocolate orange (V.popular), Rolos and Milky bars as well as normal plain chocolate. I actually made them for my flatmates in freshers week and people from my entire block "popped" by to sample them!

This recipe is super easy and one I literally use all the time, I know it by heart now and It creates lovely chewy cookies going up to any size you wish really, I have actually made them into one giant cookie once because I had a lot of spare mixture. Millies eat your heart out!
Okay so for this recipe you will need....
250g of plain flour 
170g unsalted butter, melted
200g dark brown sugar ( Soft is best best but I've used demera before and that works too!)
100g Caster Sugar 
1 Egg 
1 Egg yolk
1/2 tea spoon of bicarb of soda 
1/2 table spoon of salt 
As much chocolate as you want! 
The original recipe I've taken this from (, suggests 325g of chocolate and I've used less than this before and it's been no problem. I wouldn't worry about baking chocolate either I use ASDA's own and that's just as nice.

1. Pre -heat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius and line or grease baking trays.
2. Cream together the butter and two sugars until they're well mixed.
3. Add the egg and egg yolk. 
4.  mix in the flour, salt, bicarb and vanilla and mix well
5. Finally add in your chocolate and mix well. The mixture should be kind of sticky but not totally wet.
6. Take two Tablespoons Full per cookie and drop them onto greased baking trays. You can flatten them if you want but by careful not to pancake them as they'll be too thin, either way is fine it'l just alter the shape of your cookie. 
7. Bake for around fifteen minutes until golden around the edges, they may not look entirely done in the centre but that's part of their cooling process. 

My Terry's Chocolate Orange Variety

Okay guys hope you enjoyed this post, Ill be back next week with a new recipe, but I think another cookie recipe may be a bit boring and I'm making salted caramel brownies today, so think ill update you on that recipe next week,. 

Subscribe, like and comment away and make sure to check out my instagram for a sneak peak of the brownies,  love Carly xx


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