Thursday 2 June 2016

When your baking goes wrong... #1 Cookies

Hey guys so we've definitely all had mishaps in the kitchen before and there's always a way to salvage it and make something out of a bad situation. I thought I'd share one of my best disaster avoiding ideas, if your cookies have gone up in smoke, figuratively of course then my best suggestion is turning them into cookie dough sundaes.

If your cookies are too soft in the middle or too crispy, then what I always do is rip or snap them into pieces and make sundaes! So line a mason jar or Sundae glass with broken up cookie and add ice cream, keep layering them as you go and if you have some toffee or chocolate sauce, pop that in to! To top I always try and keep a big part of crispy cookie to stick in the top, as a fan, it looks great and then go to town decorating, if you have it whipped cream, spare chocolate from the cookies make a truly scrumptious sundae and no one ever needs to know that wasn't the original end game! 

Also if your cookie did go wrong, it went wrong for a reason and this helpful diagram I found curtsey of pinterest is perfect at explaining why! 

So happy baking whether it goes right or wrong, have fun, It doesn't have to be a total disaster! 
Carly xox


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