Friday 22 January 2016

Vanilla chocolate chip cupcakes with white chocolate buttercream icing!

Hi guys new Foodie Friday post! A nice simple cupcake recipe with yummy icing to make for the perfect January treat or pick me up! 

200g of butter 
200g of caster sugar
200g self raising flour
4 eggs 
1 tbsp on vanilla essence 
1 tbsp of milk
150g chocolate chips 

For the Icing 
1 cup of butter 
2 cups of icing sugar 
1 tsp of vanilla essence
100g of white chocolate, melted
50g of chocolate chips (to decorate )

1. Okay this is literally the easiest recipe ever and super yummy, start by creaming the butter and sugar together, making sure you've preheated the oven to 180 degrees.
2. Add in the eggs, one at a time and mix together.
3. Fold in the flour, before adding in the vanilla and milk.
4. The mixture should be nice and gloopy and thick now so add in the chocolate chips, add more or less than suggested at your discretion, its down to your own personal taste.
5. Fill cupcake cases at least half full, before popping the cakes in the oven and baking for ten to fifteen minutes until golden and a skewer comes out clean.

For the Icing 

1. Cream the butter and icing sugar together before adding in the vanilla. Feel free to add a little bit of milk if the mixture seems too thick! 
2. Add in the melted chocolate to your taste, again don't feel like you need all of the suggested amount it's up to you!
3. Ice the buttercream onto your cooled cakes and sprinkle with some chocolate chips to decorate.

Hope you enjoy this recipe guys and have a good week! 

Friday 15 January 2016

Lemon Drizzle Cake

Hiya loves, back with a new baking post once again thought I'd share this lovely lemon drizzle cake recipe, it's pretty dense but lovely with some fresh cream and nice and tangy! 


225g Unsalted butter 
225g of Caster Sugar
4 Eggs
224g Self raising flour
1 lemon's grated zest

For the crunchy sugar topping

200g granulated sugar
1 lemon's juice 

 1. Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees c.
 2. Beat the caster sugar and butter together until creamy and smooth.
3. Add the eggs one at a time and mix slowly.
4. Add in the flour and lemon zest. 
5. Bake in a greased loaf or cake tin for 45 minutes until golden brown and a skewer comes out clean.
6. For the topping just mix the lemon juice and sugar together to form a thick gloopy mixture.
7. Drizzle this over the top of the cake for a zingy crunchy finish! 

Hope you enjoyed this lovelies ill be back with a new baking post next week! 


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