Friday 4 December 2015

Terry's Chocolate Orange Cheesecake Recipe (Christmas Edition!)

Hiya loves so I'm back with a new foodie friday post today....CHEESECAKE
Okay so this image is from online, I forgot to take a picture of mine, sorry but this looks pretty much identical to mine! 

This recipe is my fall back dinner party recipe, it's so easy to make and it's so very popular and I think chocolate and orange are just a lovely combination for christmas time so here goes...

1 Terry's chocolate orange
2 tubs of full fat cream cheese
1 Packet of HobNobs 
1 cup of butter (melted)
1 and 1/2 cups of icing sugar 
3 teaspoons of sugar

1. Okay start by bashing your hobnobs into crumbs making sure there's no big biscuit chunks and that  you have a bowl of nice chunky crumbs!
2. Add in the melted butter and sugar gradually  and mix well, make sure the mixture looks damp throughout but not greasy and soaked, feel free to add more or less depending on how it looks. Pat this mixture into the bottom of a cake tin and thats you! 
3. Add to the two tubs of cream cheese in a bowl and add in the icing sugar gradually staring until it tastes sweet, you may not need all of it its personal preference but its essential to use the icing sugar as it helps set the mixture.
4. Melt about 3/4 of the chocolate and add gradually again this is to personal preference and depends on how chocolatey you like it. 
5.Add this on top of the crumb mixture and pop in fridge to set for two hours.
6. Use the remaining chocolate to decorate, I melted it this time.

Carly xx

*Side note, check out my Instagram (@carlymcleary) for loads of pictures of my cheesecake making I've made many over the years and you can edit this recipe and use any type of chocolate! 


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