Monday 23 October 2017

Caramel Apple Crumble Tart

Hello again everyone, this recipe turned out amazing, it's taken to an extent from this Jane's patteisere recipe (Jane's Pattiserie), with my own caramel sauce and crumble topping mixed in! My family gave this recipe a very rare 10/10 and even if do say so myself, it's bloody lovely and perfect for autumn! It is a bit longer of a recipe mind so be prepared to have some time to spare but believe me it's so worth it at the end!
Happy Baking


Caramel Sauce 
200g of granulated sugar.
90g of butter.
120mls of double cream.

Pastry Base
– 175g Plain Flour, plus extra for dusting
– 100g Cold Butter, diced, plus extra for greasing
– 1tbsp Icing Sugar
– 1 Egg Yolk

Pie Filling
– 4 Medium Cooking Apples (Bramley)
– 100g Caster Sugar
– 1/2tsp Cinnamon

Crumble Topping 
100g butter
150g caster sugar
75g granulated sugar.
50g rolled oats.
Nuts to taste.


1. I began by making my caramel sauce and setting aside in a jug for later. To make the caramel sauce; Pour the granulated sugar into a pan and heat it on a medium heat. The sugar should crystallise and melt, so stir the sugar continuously while it melts making sure it doesn't burn. Then add the butter making sure to be careful as it'll spit and stir for three minutes or so until its totally melted in. Add the cream and stir in slowly until all mixed together, leave to cool.

2. Next make the pastry (taken from the Jane's patisserie recipe) 
To make the Pastry – Sift the flour, icing sugar, and add the diced butter, egg yolk, and 1tbsp of cold water into a food processor. Blitz quickly on the pulse setting until the mixture starts to bind, it shouldn’t take too long at all!

 Grease & flour a Tart/Pie/Flan tin – Roll the pastry mix out onto a lightly floured surface to the thickness of 1-2 £1 coin(s). Press the pastry into the tin and trim & neaten the edges. Fill any gaps of the pastry with any excess pastry so its all covered! Refrigerate for 1/2 an hour! Preheat the oven to 200C/180C Fan – Cover the pastry with baking parchment and fill with baking beans/rice and bake the pastry ‘Blind’ for 15 minutes – remove the parchment and the beans and bake for an extra 5 minutes or until the pastry is cooked through and turning golden! Leave to cool in the tin.
3. I would suggest completing this step while the pastry is in the over. To make the filling I followed Jane's suggestion of peeling, quartering and slicing the apples then laying them out on kitchen roll to dry out. Once the apples were dried I mixed them in a large bowl with the caster sugar and cinnamon. 

4. Next make the crumble topping, to do this rub together the butter, flour and sugar and mix in the oats and the nuts.

5. Fill the baked pastry case with the apples and pour over a 2/3 of the caramel. Sprinkle on the topping then add the rest of the caramel. Bake the pie for 40-45 minutes until the apples are soft and the pie is golden topped and bubbling!

6. Eat and enjoy suggested servings are with lashings oh cream and vanilla ice cream!


Saturday 7 October 2017

Chocolate Honeycomb Caramel Cheesecake

Hello everyone its been a while but I'm back with a new recipe, this one is a super decadent cheesecake, Enjoy!!


Caramel Sauce
200g of granulated sugar.
90g of butter.
120mls of double cream.

1 packet of hobnob (or similar) biscuits.
400g of cream cheese.
100g of butter (melted).
3tblsp of granulated sugar.
100g of Icing sugar (or to taste).
2 Crunchies.
1 large bar of chocolate (200g).


  1. Start by making the caramel sauce, this is quite a runny sauce its still thick but lovely and gloopy! Pour the granulated sugar into a pan and heat it on a medium heat. The sugar should crystallise and melt, so stir the sugar continuously while it melts making sure it doesn't burn. Then add the butter making sure to be careful as it'll spit and stir for three minutes or so until its totally melted in. Add the cream and stir in slowly until all mixed together, leave to cool.
  2. Next begin on the cheesecake, bash your biscuits into crumbs making sure there's no big biscuit chunks and that  you have a bowl of nice chunky crumbs!
  3.  Add in the melted butter and sugar gradually  and mix well, make sure the mixture looks damp throughout but not greasy and soaked, feel free to add more or less depending on how it looks. Pat this mixture into the bottom of a cake tin and thats you! 
  4.  Add to the two tubs of cream cheese in a bowl and add in the icing sugar gradually staring until it tastes sweet, you may not need all of it it's personal preference but its essential to use the icing sugar as it helps set the mixture.
  5. Melt the chocolate and gradually add it into the mixture, again this is to taste.
  6. Mix in around a third of a caramel mixture to the cheesecake mix.
  7. Place the cheesecake mixture on top of the biscuit base, and crumble on top the crunchie bars and pour on another third of the caramel sauce.
  8. Leave in the fridge for around three to four hours then serve, the remaining caramel can be used to serve depending on how much caramel you want! 

Happy baking Carly! xx


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